The dietary supplement seen here received the Value and Quality Grand Award. Including this one, 23 of our products duly acquired this respected trade mark, which is a guarantee for quality and taking the best possible dietary supplement in the interests of preserving health.
Glucomannan or konjac is a plant native of East Asia. It likes warm and tropical climate. It is a long, perennial plant, the stems and flowers of which can be compared to a carnivorous plant. The plant is grown for its corm hidden underground which can grow to 23-25 cm in diameter. Glucomannan is extracted from this corm, which has been used for its beneficial effects in the Far East from the Sixth century. It naturally contains minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium. This East Asian herb is nicknamed ˝KILL KILO˝, because it is an entirely natural fiber which can absorb 300 times more water than its own weight. Due to its the water binding capacity, glucomannan is contributes to weight loss in reduced-calorie diet.
An interesting fact
Glucomannan is mostly used in Japanese cuisine. Its corm is chopped, dried and milled to make konjac flour. From this flour they make the popular shirataki noodles.
At room temperature this mineral is a bluish metallic element. Its name originates from the German word Zink.
Different forms of zinc alloys were known even in ancient times but metallic zinc was only isolated around 1300 A.D. Its role in the human body was not known for a long time.
The human body contains 2-3 grams of Zinc, mostly in hair, eyes, male genitals but can be found in the liver, kidneys, muscles and skin.
The main natural sources of zinc
Eggs, legumes, liver, seafood, crabs, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, and oily seeds.
Zinc helps with the metabolism od carbohydrates, macronutrients, fatty acids and vitamins as well as the maintenance of normal acid-base balance. It assists with the maintenance of healthy bones, vision, hair, nails and skin. It also contributes to the normal operation of the immune system, the protection of cells against oxidative stress, the maintenance of normal mental function, DNA synthesis and normal level of testosterone in the blood. It plays a role in cell division protein synthesis, fertility and reproduction.
Iodine is a brownish-black, shiny metallic solid substance discovered in 1811 by Bernard Courtois. This mineral is one of the beneficial micro or trace elements of our body. It is present in some food naturally or in added form. An adult body contains about 15-20 mg of iodine.
Main natural sources
Marine fish and plants, shellfish, iodized salt and water
Iodine is involved in the normal energy-producing metabolic processes. It helps with the normal production of thyroid hormones, the ormal function of the thyroid, the normal function of the nervous system and mental health. It also helps to preserve healthy skin.
Selenium is named after the Goddess of the Moon in Greek Mythology. It has been proven since the end of 1800s, that selenium is an essential trace element for our body because it contains a certain enzyme called glutathione peroxidase that protects us against toxins. There is only 10-15 mg of selenium in the human body.
Main natural sources of Selenium
Brazil nuts, tuna, sunflower seed, rice, red meat, poultry, bakery products from whole wheat flour and cashew nuts.
Selenium and vitamin E enhance each other's beneficial effects and therefore contribute to the protection of cells against oxidative stress. Selenium also contributes to the maintenance of healthy nails and hair and the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and immune system.
Chromium is one of the essential trace elements of the human body. Our body needs very little amounts of this element but it plays an extremely important role and has multiple physiological effects. Chromium can be found in the kidneys, liver and the spleen.
The main natural sources
Peanuts, green peas, brewer's yeast, potatoes, whole grains, egg, beans.
It is involved in the normal metabolism of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and helps maintain normal blood sugar level.
This Medium-term Product contains four different types of microflora in an increased number of germs, as well as Inulin improving efficiency.
Inulin and microflora
Microflora is formed by beneficial, living microorganisms, which survive the acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract and help maintain the balance of healthy intestinal mircroflora. Our products contain high numbers of bacterial florea and inulin which helps their reproduction. Probiotics word also known as microflora is of Greek origin meaning life. R. B. Parker was the first who used the term probotic in 1974 for organisms and substances responsible for the balance of intestinal tract. The characteristiscs of probiotics are: human origin, non-pathogenic, resistant to the digestive effects of gastric acid, bile, saliva, pancreatic and intestinal fluids. They retain their resilience in food shelf life and technological processes. In addition, probiotics are capable of adhering to mucosal cells, have antimicrobial activity against potential pathogens, and reduce the adherence of pathogenic microbes to the mucosal surface. Probiotics are mostly lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Most of the best-known probiotic lactic acid bacteria strains are Lactobacillus, smaller portion is Streptococcus genus. Prebiotics are natural nutrients, that are the sole nutrients of probiotics therefore promote their reproduction and prevalance. In the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive enzymes do not break down the prebiotics and thus can reach the large intestine undigested. Prebiotics are dietary fibers, but water-soluble, therefore one of the best dietary fibers. In addition to their function of dietary fiber, their real utility lies in the fact that they are the exclusive nutrients of probiotics. Because of the lack of digestible nutrition in the large intestine where there is little food, the consumed prebiotics offer the possibility of the reproduction of human-friendly intestinal bacteria. Many foods contain prebiotics, for example: Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, onions, garlic, leeks, artichokes, whole grains, wheat, banana, flax, spinach, cabbage, chard, mustard, berries, legumes, milk and most mature cheese. Inulins are a type of prebiotics and actually dietary fibers that reach the large intestine undigested, enhance the reproduction and prevalance of probiotics. Their role: digestion, balance of the intestinal flora Our bodies are connected with the outside world through our intestinal system that is about 7-9 meters in length (the largest area in our body). Therefore it is vulnerable by the potential attack of pathogens and toxic substances. Normally there are about 200 to 400 different types of bacterial strains in our bowels. In fetal life beneficial bacteria dominates in 95-98%. Healthy intestinal flora provides protection against a variety of pathogens, ensures the integrity of intestinal mucosa and helps the absorption of the needed nutrients. They produce many essential vitamins for our body. If the gastrointestinal tract's defense mechanisms weaken, it can cause intereference in the absorption processes. In order for probiotics to be effective in their environment, a large number is required which is at least 108 c.f.u./gram in the body. | What does the c.f.u. expression mean? c.f.u.: colony-forming units per milliliter, the number of viable microorganisms. The amount of bacteria is usually measured this way in products. However, inulin is given in milligram. As appropriate doses of at least 109 c.f.u. is accepted. | |
| What kind of probiotic products are effective? - | Prebiotics help the reproduction of probiotics, therefore products should contain inulin or fructo- oligosaccharides. | | - | They resist the effects of stomach acid, bile and digestive enzymes, so the live beneficial bacteria can reach the large intestine, where they are able to adhere and reproduce. One essential condition is that the bacteria keep their viability during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract. | | - | A good probiotic product should contain at least 5-6 strains, as we intend to make up the intestinal flora's multi-culture. | | - | During the warranty period and during technological processes they keep power of resistance. | | - | It contains of an appropriate volume of germs, the minimum quantity proposed by specialist is 108 or 109 c.f.u. |
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